Wraparound Program

Wraparound is a team-based planning and problem-solving process where we will help youth and families struggling with emotional, mental, and behavioral needs. Wraparound on average is a 12-18 month long process.

Wraparound Process

Wraparound is a voluntary process available for youth ages 0-17 and families who have tried but been unable to meet needs through natural means and traditional service supports. It is for youth and families who have multiple service agencies and/or systems involved in their lives (i.e., child welfare, mental health, special education, juvenile justice, medical, etc.) and have complex service and care coordination needs.  Youth in the following programs are granted immediate entry: Secure Child Inpatient Program, Secure Adolescent Inpatient Program, Psychiatric Residential Treatment Programs, and Commercial Sexually Exploited Children’s Residential Programs.

The Wraparound process works together with the youth and the family to identify their strengths and needs. We will develop a plan that builds on those strengths to meet the needs that have been identified. The team consists of members invited by the youth and family as well as providers such as mental healthcare providers, teachers, child welfare caseworkers, and/or Juvenile justice counselors. A Wraparound Care Coordinator along with a family partner and/or youth partner will assist the youth and family on coordinating services and activities that meet their needs in the least restrictive, community-based setting possible.  In Wraparound, we believe that a plan can be successful when it’s family driven, youth guided, and is solution focused.

No one will be denied access to services due to inability to pay; and there is a discounted/sliding fee schedule available based on family size and income

To access the referral packet, click the word “Resources” at the top of the page, then click “Forms & Releases” the referral packet is near the bottom of the page. If you are a service provider, please complete it with the assistance of the identified youth and/or family. Once we receive the completed packet, a Wraparound staff member will contact the referent, legal guardian, and other individuals identified in the referral.

The youth and family will be invited to an optional meeting called our “Wraparound Review Committee” that is held on the last Tuesday of the month. This committee is made up of members from youth and family serving systems in Columbia County. The youth and family are invited to share their needs and goals with these members directly. The committee members will review the referral and then discuss how their systems can assist the youth and family in their Wraparound planning process. If you have any questions or are interested in getting involved in our Wraparound program, please contact the Wraparound team at wraparound@ccmh1.com or call 503.397.7919.

No one plans for a crisis; they
happen, and we are here to
help you.

We have trained professionals standing by to assist you or someone you know. Please call us, anytime of the day or night.

Phone or community based crisis support available at:
Crisis winding road

Report Abuse

*If at any time you feel an individual is being hurt or is in
immediate danger, please call 911

Child Abuse

To Report child abuse,

Contact Us:

Report child abuse to the Oregon Child Abuse Hotline by calling 855-503-7233 .The Oregon Child Abuse Hotline receives calls 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

This toll free number allows you to report abuse of any child or adult to the Oregon Department of Human Services. You can also report child abuse by calling a local police department, county sheriff, county juvenile department, or Oregon State Police.

Abuse of an adult

Abuse of an Adult,

Contact Us:

To report the abuse of an adult please contact our Adult Abuse Investigator at (503) 438-2195

Hope and Healing Begin Today

Columbia Community Mental Health is a
non-profit agency dedicated to excellence in behavioral healthcare.

This moment right now might be difficult, but there’s a lifetime of better moments to
look forward to. It takes courage to ask for help – and sometimes the
problem isn’t always clear.

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