Revitalize Wellness Center
Revitalize Wellness Center - What do we do?
Pain Management Program Revitalize Wellness Center opened in October 2015 as a health education clinic focused on helping clients learn new methods for managing chronic pain. Working closely with patients and their primary care providers, the team at Revitalize helps people gain the skills needed to cope with persistent pain and regain function and quality of life. The program utilizes behavioral techniques and gentle movement therapy in a ten week series of classes. This evidence-based program has been proven effective, with client’s PHQ-9 scores improving on average by 24%, Pain Self-Efficacy Questionnaire scores improving on average by 26%, and Fear of Movement scores improving on average by 10%. Insurances accepted: CPCCO, Medicare Part B, Moda
Stress Management Program The team at Revitalize started offering a stress management program in January 2019. According to the American Medical Association, stress is the basic cause of more than 60 percent of all human illness and disease. This program is focused on helping clients learn new methods for managing stress and improving sleep patterns in order to enhance their overall health. Similar to the pain management program, the stress management program is a ten week series of classes that include behavioral techniques and gentle movement therapy. The approaches used for this program are all evidence-based, with client’s PHQ-9 scores improving on average by 40%, GAD-7 scores improving on average by 48%, and Insomnia Severity Index scores improving on average by 36%. Insurances accepted: CPCCO
Tobacco Reduction Program Revitalize Wellness Center expanded in June 2021 to offer a tobacco reduction program. Reducing or eliminating tobacco use is an impactful way a person can improve their overall health. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 20 million Americans try to quit smoking each year and less than 10% are successful. Our program addresses tobacco reduction through an emotional, behavioral, and physiological approach. Using behavioral techniques and gentle movement therapy, clients are lead through a seven week series of classes teaching evidence-based methods for managing stress, breaking habits, and coping with nicotine withdrawal and cravings.
Insurances accepted: CPCCOLinked below is a research article regarding Revitalize Wellness.
“The Pain Doesn’t Have to Control You.” A Qualitative Evaluation of Three Pain Clinics Teaching Nonopioid Pain Management Strategies